The Voice Lesson Program

In the fall of 2020, the May Festival launched the Voice Lesson Program to provide high-quality private vocal instruction, free of charge, to all interested members of the May Festival Chorus and May Festival Youth Chorus. Through this initiative, the May Festival partners with experienced, professional voice instructors in our region to provide these lessons, which are paid for through a fund endowed by a generous, anonymous donor. Additionally, Chorus members enrolled in the Voice Lesson Program are eligible to participate in periodic recitals for an audience of friends and family.

The program engages the following highly recommended vocal technique instructors:

Avery Bargasse
Kimberly Buczek
Ellen Graham
Eric Heatley
Alexandra Schoeny 
Talia Zoll

May Festival Chorus members interested in learning more about this program should contact Chorus Manager Sarah Farwell at [email protected] or Program Coordinator Ellen Graham at [email protected].